• Personalized website building

    Web page building with customized development and more years’ experience.

  • Holistic services

    Domain registration, web hosting, design, consulting.

  • Responsive design

    Webpage building optimized for tablets and mobiles

  • User friendly admin platform

    You can easily make changes to the content of your website

  • Maintenance

    Long-term warranty

Website building

Web page building for companies, individuals, small enterprises, travel agencies, hotels, pensions.

Software development

Personalized software development on your demands.

Why is it important to have a good website??

Profit and popularity

Nowadays, having a website is very important for a company, it catches the costumers’ attention, it is dependable and offers a kind of distinction among the concurrency.

Competitive enterprise.

As the internet technology shows a very quick development and the expectations are higher-and higher, websites have to be built with the latest technologies to increase the competitiveness of your company.

The cheapest "chanel"

The web page is the cheapest “chanel” for your company to make business relationships with new costumers on the internet. The number of internet users is constantly increasing, which implies the online market recovery, so it is essential, that your products to be available for the buyers online, too.

Company informations anytime are available.

Nowadays market and communication have significantly changed. Internet has become part of our daily lives, so if we would like to know something about a company, at the very first time we visit its website, and on the basis of it we make a decision on calling for their services.

Increase the profit and the popularity of your company!

It is more and more important your products to be available online, too. Have your webshop done as soon as it is possible, so you can easily profit from online market.
New Experience Soft will help you!


We build customized websites according to your company’s needs.


We offer services which meet your demands: content modification, webhosting, persistent structural modifications.

Website building

Websites, built by us for different companies, individuals, small enterprises, travel agencies, hotels, pensions, are appreciably contributing to the propagation of the respective enterprise. Read more

Software development

Our company builds personalized software products, which meets costumers’ expectations in 100%. The most important factors during our software development activities are the following: user friendly manageability, rapidity, compatibility, improvement possibilities. Read more

Application development

Az alkalmazás készítése már egyfajta elvárás a cégek, szolgáltatók felé, hogy minden helyzetben, bárhonnan ki tudják szolgálni ügyfeleiket. Célunk, hogy ebben segítsünk Önnek! Read more


Does your web page become obsolete? Or just want to improve the functionality of your existing website? Consult us and we will help you in updating your website, which definitely will contribute your company to be more attractive on the internet. Read more

Do you have any question? We remain at your disposal for any further information.

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